Spokane Redistricting: Maps have been published.

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Spokane Redistricting: Maps have been published.

The Spokane County Independent Redistricting Committee (IRC) released its draft redistricting plan on August 24. The plan includes four proposed maps for dividing the county. The Coalition for Creating 5 Fair, Equitable Spokane County Commissioner Districts has proposed a suggested map as well. Check out the maps and see how your community and neighborhood have been effected.

IRC Plan

Coalition Plan

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What makes a good map?

A good map will use existing boundaries and the borders of Spokane County to divide districts. The Coalition maps were drawn using natural boundaries like the Spokane River, meaning close neighbors are not separated into different districts.

A good map connects communities of interest based on location and issues facing their growth. In the Coalition map, the City of Spokane Valley and Liberty Lake on each side of the river are included in one district as they face similar issues and because of their touching boundaries. Cheney, Medical Lake and Airway Heights are all kept in the same district for similar reasons. In contrast, the IRC maps separate adjacent communities into different districts.

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What makes a district map both legal & equitable?

County Commissioner Districts should:

-Be as equal in population as possible--Each of the five districts should contain approximately 108,000 Spokane County residents.

-Be as compact as possible--constituents within a district should live as near to one another as is feasible.

-Be geographically contiguous--Areas within each district must be physically adjacent. No artificial islands.

-Keep communities of interest together--these are groups with shared political, economic, or social concerns.

-Promote partisan fairness--Lines shouldn’t be drawn in ways that favor a political party, and _should_ ensure BIPOC residents receive fair and effective representation.

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What Now?

The IRC must submit its final redistricting plan by Oct. 23. The total numbers from the 2020 Census are being released soon, and the proposed plans will adjust with the new data. These maps are a start, but they are only suggestions.

The IRC will hold one more public information sessions and hearings leading up the finalization of the redistricting plan to share information, receive public input, and answer questions.

Locations and information on how to join virtually or in-person is posted at www.RedistrictSpokaneCo.com prior to each event. Until October 12, people can comment on the redistricting process at committee meetings, by email at info@redistrictspokaneco.com or by mail: P.O. Box 31508 Spokane, WA 99223

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When and Where are the meetings?

-Sept. 16, 5:30-7:30pm: Public hearing #3, Moran Prairie Public Library, 6004 South Regal St., Spokane, WA 99223

-Sept. 30, 5:30-7:30pm: Public information session #4, Cheney Public Library, 610 First St., Cheney, WA 99004